Cahi Dental & Prosthodontics Practice launches the Dental Wellness Trust in Johannesburg.
The 19th of February 2018, is a day that will go down in history for everyone at Cahi Dental. It was our first official engagement as active participants in the Dental Wellness Trust. Dr. Linda Greenwall, founder of the Trust visited our Practice from London to assist with our first day of training.
We had over 40 future Mama’s and Pappa’s go through the training process. These dedicated M&P’s will help to educate children in disadvantaged areas on the proper oral healthcare techniques that they need to implement to take good care of their teeth.
Dental health is taken for granted in many developed countries however according to the World Health Organisation 60-90% of school children and nearly 100% of adults around the world have dental cavities. These statistics are highest amongst poor and disadvantaged communities who are unaware of how to prevent these diseases.
A lack of targeted education and awareness around the subject of oral hygiene is responsible for the pain and discomfort experienced by these cohorts.
The Dental Wellness Trust was founded in May 2011 by leading London dentist Dr Linda Greenwall, fulfilling her long-envisioned life goal of setting up a dental charity to help those in need. The charity aims to provide tailored oral health education programmes for children, the elderly and also to circulate good practice amongst oral health practitioners.
The charity and it’s many committed members work closely with the local community to raise awareness of the importance of oral health amongst families, teach how better to clean their teeth and also to raise funds to support the oral health programmes these communities are in need of.
We are very proud to be a part of this initiative. If you would like to know more about the Dental Wellness Trust and how you can get involved, send us a message or check out for more information.